An interview is more than just a way for hiring managers to suss you out and see if you’re up to the job – it’s also a chance for you to ask some questions and find out if this job and company are the right fit for you.
So what kind of questions should you be asking?
It’s time to think about what do you want to know about the role, the company, the department and who you’ll be working with. Here are some key questions to get you started. Some of the points raised will certainly be covered during the course of your interview, so you can pick and choose which remain relevant.
Try and weave these questions into discussion rather than delivering them rapid fire, and save one or two for the inevitable ‘So, do you have any questions for us?’ part of the wrap-up stage of the interview.
The Role
You want to find out more about the day-to-day responsibilities and tasks involved with the job, and how adequately skilled or how keen you are to handle these.
Your Progress
You’ll want to find out up front what the goals of the role are and how your progress and success will be measured.
Professional Development Opportunities
Think about how this role can help you get take the next step towards your career goals.
The Organisation
Think about what you want to know about the company as a whole.
Who You’ll Be Working With
Find out more about the people you’ll be working alongside to figure out if it’s the right team for you.
Your Interviewer
Asking your interviewer questions about themselves and their role at the company can help you build rapport, and get a personal view of what it’s like to work here.
Matt is a Director of The Talent Hive and leads the Engineering recruitment practice within the business. Originally from the UK he’s been living in New Zealand for 12 years. Matt is a retired ‘amateur’ athlete who has given up chasing great marathon times for chasing his young children around the park, a far more worthy (if not exhausting) pursuit.
At The Talent Hive we specialise in connecting Engineering & IT professionals with the right career opportunities. We encourage collaboration, socialising your success and sharing industry insight and expertise. Start the journey, connect with The Talent Hive today
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