Who is responsible for developing your career? If you think your employers looking out for you, recent research begs to differ.
- 74% of workers say employers should provide professional-development training
- 71% say employers should identify job opportunities and career paths
- 68% say employers should provide career-advancement mentoring
And what do employers have to say?
- 98% of employers say workers should continually update and improve their skills
- 85% say workers should identify job opportunities and career paths
- 80% say workers should be responsible for building their job-hunting and career-planning skills
The results of this joint research study by EdAssist and the University of Phoenix demonstrate why so many employees and organisations struggle with career management. When each believe the other should be responsible, we get mismatched expectations and employee/employer frustration.
Chances are few employers are going to live up to your expectations. If you’re concerned about your career development, as you should be, then you need to take 360° ownership of it.
Here are five steps to help you take charge:
Find a Mentor
Look around your organisation, and your wider community too. Who out there inspires you? Whose work interests you? Striking up a mentoring relationship can be hugely beneficial. You’ll meet new people, gain valuable knowledge via your mentor’s own work experience – the ups and the downs, and you’ll pick yo strategic career advice.
Be a Top Performer
Do what you’re doing at the very best of your ability. You can network as much as you like, employ as many career development coaches as you can afford, but if you’re not delivering results, you’re going to stall. Work hard, use your energy, and keep your end goals top of mind.
Build your Capital
Reputation, experience and qualifications are the three areas of your career that build capital. Are there any training courses or workshops that would enhance your capabilities or qualifications? Have you talked to your organisation about support, including financial support options, for further training and development?
Get Out There and Network
It’s not just who you know – it’s who knows you and the work that you do. Impress with your initiative and ask to take the lead on projects or new opportunities at work. Success in areas outside your main duties will get you noticed and give you opportunities to impress others.
Work with a Career Coach
A mentor is able to give you lots of valuable advice, and connections too. But a dedicated career coach can help you develop a successful career strategy, identify the skills you need to work on, and help you build on these skills. They can also help you address any managerial challenges you face without making expensive career mistakes.
Matt is a Director of The Talent Hive and leads the Engineering recruitment practice within the business. Originally from the UK he’s been living in New Zealand for 12 years. Matt is a retired ‘amateur’ athlete who has given up chasing great marathon times for chasing his young children around the park, a far more worthy (if not exhausting) pursuit.
At The Talent Hive we specialise in connecting Engineering & IT professionals with the right career opportunities. We encourage collaboration, socialising your success and sharing industry insight and expertise. Start the journey, connect with The Talent Hive today.